Legal information and disclaimer

  1. The information on this website is intended for guidance only. It is based upon our understanding of current legislation and is correct at the time of going to press. No liability is accepted by Braant Ltd for actions taken in reliance upon the information given and it is recommended that appropriate professional advice should be taken.
  2. Furthermore, this website contains links to external sources of information which we believe you will find useful. However, we are not responsible for the content or integrity of any external websites and, as such, accept no liability for any viruses or malware connected to those sites and any resultant damage caused.
  3. E-mails you receive from Braant Ltd and any attached files may be legally privileged or prohibited from disclosure and unauthorised use. The views of the author may not necessarily reflect those of the firm. Any such e-mails are intended solely for the addressee, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering such materials to the addressee. If you receive an e-mail in error please return it to the sender then delete the email and destroy any copies of it. If you are not the intended recipient, any form of reproduction, or distribution is prohibited and may be unlawful. The integrity of e-mail across the Internet cannot be guaranteed and messages sent via this medium are potentially at risk or could contain viruses. All liability is excluded to the extent permitted by law for any claims arising as a result of the use of this medium to transmit information.
  4. Except where otherwise indicated, the copyright in all material on the website is held by Braant Ltd, and no part of the websites (including but not limited to the text, graphics and html code) may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without our written permission.  All rights reserved. Braant is a registered trademark.
  5. We may monitor, record, store and use any telephone, email or other communication with you in order to check any instructions given to us, for training purposes, for crime prevention and to improve the quality of our customer service.
  6. We may pass on your enquiry information to a third party if we’re unable to support your requirement. We may receive commissions or other benefits for introductions to other third party professionals or in respect of transactions which we arrange for you.  You agree that we may pass on your information and retain any such commissions.

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We have the resources, the experts, the knowledge and experience to help your business grow. And with over 1,000 accountancy clients in the UK and London, the volume of our work allows us to share economies of scale with you.